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Datasets for Download

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The Tracking Network provides downloadable data in two formats. You can query and view data for each Tracking Network content area in maps, tables, and charts through the Data Explorer and you can download datasets for the content areas listed on this page. Unlike Data Explorer data, the datasets presented here for download have not been aggregated spatially or temporally.

The National Map Download viewer provides an online mapping tool for downloading the NHDPlus HR, NHD and WBD as a shapefile or file geodatabase by Hydrologic Unit (HU), including 4-digit (HU4) or 8-digit (HU8), by state, or nationally. National Map publishes 44 services including: Base Maps (Cached.

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Data included below is subject to be changed, updated or reviewed at any time. Additional information is included in the metadata files available for download through the links below.

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  • Each of these datasets provide data at the county level. The first three datasets include monthly index data from 1895-2016. The U.S. Drought Monitor dataset features weekly drought monitor values (ranging from 0-4) from 2000-2016.

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Solar Radiation

  • Solar radiation datasets are available at the county level. Population-weighted Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) data are available by day from 1991-2012. Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Population-Weighted Ultraviolet (UV) irradiance data are available daily from 2004-2015.

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Air Pollution

  • These datasets provide modeled predictions of particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone levels from the Downscaler model. Data are at the census tract and county levels for 2001-2016. Census tract-level datasets contain estimates of the mean predicted concentration and associated standard error. County-level datasets include the maximum, median, mean, and population-weighted mean concentration.

  • Census Tract-Level PM2.5
  • Census Tract-Level Ozone
  • Page last reviewed:April 03, 2017
  • Page last updated:October 21, 2020
  • Content source:
    • National Center for Environmental Health,

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This page allows you to download the National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts 2021 Public Data Package for free.

Global Footprint Network’s National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts 2021 Public Data Package is provided for download at no charge to academics, educators, NGOs, the media, and private and public analysts, as long as they register and clearly indicate and acknowledge the source in every public use of the data. Our free data also can be accessed and downloaded in other forms through our Ecological Footprint Explorer open data platform, at Advanced data users can download our data at

The Public Data Package is a fabulous sortable and searchable resource, filled with the latest Footprint and biocapacity results. It contains the following:

  • 2017 Ecological Footprint and biocapacity results for all countries included in National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts 2021 Edition
  • Graphics of time-trend (1961-2017) of Ecological Footprint and biocapacity results for each country
  • Global Footprint and biocapacity time series results and graphs (global overshoot, Human Development Index-Footprint graph, and ecological deficit/reserve map)
  • List of data quality scores for each country
  • Calculation factors
  • Scientific and Editorial Review Policy

License Details

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Should you have any questions about this license, or if you would like to use more complete data sets, please contact us.

To receive a download link, please complete the following form. All fields on this form with an asterisk (*) are needed to submit.